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Boykin Spaniels of
Hollow Creek
Patricia L. Watts with Hollow Creek's GusWelcome to Hollow Creek Kennel! I am the proud owner of Hollow Creek’s Emma, Katy, Kaycee, Ellie Mae, Fancy, Cami, Rosa, Pumpkin, Gabby, Minnie Belle, Edisto, Samm, and baby Maga. In truth, they actually own me …. they allow me to play and train with them. My kennel has produced many exceptional Boykin Spaniels since 1987... including over 70 Champions. My babies in “Always remembered” are the foundation of all my Boykin blessings. They have greatly blessed me with unconditional love and devotion... which I have fully returned.

In 2016, We welcomed Richard Cunningham, into our pack. I have known Richard since I was in the second grade in Augusta, Georgia. The pack really loves him!

We are blessed to have found our slice of heaven in 1991 right on the shores of Lake Murray in Leesville, South Carolina. We don't boast of a lot of acreage, air-conditioned kennels or that we've been doing "the Boykin thing" for more years than is actually possible. We are so happy that our dogs have such a wonderful home where they can run, swim and play.
Richard Cunningham
Hollow Creek Kennel is a private kennel and a therapeutic hobby for me - not a profession. I am not a professional "Boykin anything". I am a Boykin Spaniel lover!. I actually trained and hunting my Boykins for over 30 years. They are family pets as much as they ever are hunting companions. Our lake cottage is a slice of heaven to us.

Breeding is something I do occasionally. It is my sole desire to breed the best with the best in the hope of producing the best. That is the luxury of a hobby versus a living. I can be very selective as I do not mass produce! I do not have multiple litters on the ground at the same time. Mills do. The Boykin Spaniel is a rare breed and it is still evolving. I feel that it is my task to keep them evolving in the right direction. I practice ethical and responsible breeding to ensure physical and mental soundness and adherence to the breed standard. Preservation and the improvement of the hunting and working instincts of the Boykin is my goal, while maintaining the breed's standards.

Conformation, OFA evaluation, CERF testing, DNA testing, hunting ability, general intelligence and disposition should all be considered when breeding a certain sire to a certain bitch. Without doubt, all of these qualities and conditions combine to form the total...healthy.... dog. It seems as if every couple of years a "new" test for yet another genetic condition comes out...and so we add that on too. Do not even CONSIDER buying from a breeder who does NOT test. Your heart will later be broken... as will your pocketbook.

My puppies are whelped inside my home. They remain inside where they are socialized, loved and handled. Then, at five weeks of age...they are moved to the Nursery in the garage...and weather permitting, they are taught to swim and are introduced to my adult dogs for further socialization. They learn quickly from the older dogs about playing, accepted behavior and what will not be tolerated. It is marvelous to watch the interaction between the older dogs and the puppies. It takes an entire kennel to raise a good and well adjusted puppy. :-) They are not placed into the outside area until the 7th week....they have so much to see out there....along with learning different sounds ....and actually running free with ears flying along with the entire pack!!! What a sight!

"Coming to the whistle" is something that I start teaching when weaning begins at 3 weeks - so that when the pups are placed in their new home, they understand "to come when called". Retrieving instincts and personality are all evaluated by me personally every day for 8 weeks.. They are all distinct individuals - but the common thread is that they are the most loving, devoted and intelligent dog I have ever known. When you look into those eyes - SOMEONE is looking back. You can see them thinking. At Hollow Creek Kennel, I do things differently ....... the pups pick their works!.

Boykin owners can spin many wonderful and even tall tales about their dogs and I'm no different. I'd rather talk to you about things my dogs have done with me and for me, than anything else. When someone calls to chat about Boykins, time flies, as do the stories!!! Puppies are placed with folks who guarantee to stay in touch and send me photo updates regularly. And when they want to add to their family, they call me for guidance.

When looking for a puppy, the initial cost of the puppy is the smallest expenditure you will incur during the lifetime of the dog. Get it right from the onset. Purchase a quality puppy from a responsible breeder.... and there are very FEW of them. Never "budget" when purchasing a Boykin Spaniel …. The pups health is most important … if you are bargain hunting,,,there are many poor/irresponsible breeders of Boykin Spaniels who will certainly accommodate you.

Happy Hunting! Patricia L. Watts Leesville, SC

Happy Hunting!
Patricia L. Watts
Leesville, SC
Boykins Forever     Boykins Forever

Publications featuring Patricia L. Watts and the Boykin Spaniels of Hollow Creek

Boykins Forever True Hunting Buddies
by Larry Mueller
Devoted little spaniels with
a big desire to please and hunt
Click here
Boykins Forever
by Jim Davis
Click here

Hollow Creek Girls
Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's CH Ellie Mae Belle
Click here to view more photos of Ellie Mae Belle

Hollow Creek's Edisto
Click here to view more photos of Edisto

Hollow Creek's Gabby

Hollow Creek's Birdie

Hollow Creek’ Holly Belle
Hollow Creek’ Holly Belle
Fancy x Woodrow
Click here to view more photos of Holly Belle

Hollow Creek Boys



Click here to view more photos of Tugg

Click here to view more photos of Sammi

Click here to view more photos of Wake


Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
GCH CH Hollow Creek's
Texas Trace " Trace"
Hollow Creek's Ruby X
Hollow Creek's Great Santeenee
DOB: 2011

Hollow Creek's Madea (Mattie)
Hollow Creek's Roxy X
Hollow Creek's Great Sentence

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Sophie
Hollow Creek's Jessie X
Hollow Creek's Great Santeenee
DOB 12-8-2008
Click here to view more photos of Sophie

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Emma
Hollow Creek's Ruby X
Hollow Creek's Great Santeenee
DOB: 2011

Click here to view more photos of Emma

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Mariposa
Hollow Creek's Belle X
Hollow Creek's Kingfisher
DOB: 2012

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Rosa Belle
Emma X Charlie
DOB: 3-22/2014
Click here to view more photos of Rosa Belle

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Katy Belle
Jessie X Gallient
DOB: 12-16-2013
CHIC# 122628

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Cami-flage
Honey X Jake
DOB: 07-06-2015
CHIC #122630

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Abby Belle
Abbie Gail X Gallient
DOB: 6-9-2013

Click here to view more photos of Abby Belle

Hollow Creek's Fancy

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek' s Kaycee Belle

Hollow Creek's Rosa

Always Remembered

"The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog...... faithful and true even in death." Senator George Vest 1870
Hollow Creek's Buddy

Hollow Creek's Buddy
CH Hollow Creek's Decoy's Boy

Hollow Creek's Sir Casey

Hollow Creek's Casey
Sir Dexter
ex Molly
Hollow Creek's Cocoa Cody
1996 - 2003

CH Hollow Creek's Cocoa Cody
Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
ex Hollow Creek's Sir Casey

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Lady Estelle
 ex Bramblewood Rascal
Click here to view more photos of Dixie

Hollow Creek's Mouse

Hollow Creek's Mouse
Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
ex Hollow Creek's Lee's Decoy

Click here to view more photos of Mouse

Hollow Creek's Sassy

Hollow Creek's Sassafras
Coffee's Cappy Cappuccino
ex BJ (Buster Junior)

Click here to view more photos of Sassy

Hollow Creek's Rosey

CH Hollow Creek's Rosey O'Donnell CGC
Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
ex Hollow Creek's Sir Casey
Click here to view more photos of Rosey

Boykins Forever

CH Hollow Creeks Sassie Sadie

Breeder: Patricia Watts (SC)
Owner: Greg Copeland (Texas)

Hollow Creek's Gus

UWP GRCH Hollow Creek's Gus CGC
Hollow Creek's Chocolate Mouse
ex Sydney of Woodbine
Click here to view more photos of Gus

Hollow Creek's Cocoa
GRCH Hollow Creek's Cocoa CGC
Hollow Creek's Chocolate Mouse
ex Sydney of Woodbine
Click here to view more photos of Cocoa
Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Chocolate Mouse X Sydney of Woodbine

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Penny X
Hollow Creek's Gus

Click here to view more photos of Belle

Hollow Creek's Penny
Hollow Creek's Penny
Hollow Creek's Chocolate Mouse
ex Hollow Creek's Sir Casey
Click here to view more photos of Penny

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Crossed over on 12-30-2013
Hollow Creek's Rosey X
Owen's Buddy

Hollow Creek's Allie-gator
GRCH Hollow Creek's Allie-gator
Hollow Creek's Cocoa
ex Hollow Creek's Sir Casey
Click here to view more photos of Allie
Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
CH Hollow Creek's Roxy
Hollow Creek's Rosey X
Sandalwood Collin Brice

Click here to view more photos of Roxy

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
2004- 2016
Show Me This Buds For You X
Ceasarscreeks Stormin Hanna

Click here to view more photos of Bootsie

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
2005- 2017
Hollow Creek's Ruby X
Hollow Creek's Sir Casey

Click here to view more photos of Jesse

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
2005- 2017
Hollow Creek's Ruby X Hollow Creek's Sir Casey

Click here to view more photos of Luke

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
December 20, 2017
Hollow Creek's Lucy Belle
Click here to view more photos of Lucy

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
April 8, 2018
Hollow Creek's Rosey X
Sandalwood Collin Brice

Click here to view more photos of Ruby

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Penny X
Hollow Creek's Gus
7/21/2006- 03/18/2019

Click here to view more photos of Peaches

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
"Brown Sugar"
Hollow Creek's Penny X
Sandalwood Collin Brice

Click here to view more photos of Brown Sugar

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's "Gigi"
Hollow Creek's Roxy X
Hollow Creek's Great Santeenee
DOB 2-21-2008

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Ch Hollow Creek's Jake -Watts
Hollow Creek's Brown Sugar X
Hollow Creek's Gus
DOB: 2008
Click here to view more photos of Jake

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Honeysuckle Rose
Call name "Honey"
Hollow Creek's Gigi X
Hollow Creek's Frogmore
DOB: 2013
Click here to view more photos of Honeysuckle

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek's Frogmore "Frog"
Hollow Creek's Bootsie X
Hollow Creek's Luke
DOB: 2010
Click here to view more photos of Frogmore

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
HR Hollow Creek's Sir Gallient JH
Hollow Creek's Peaches X
Hollow Creek's Great Santeenee
DOB 2011
Click here to view more photos of Gallient

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
Hollow Creek’s PollyAnna Belle
Rosa Belle X Charlie
August 18, 2019 - 2024

Click here to view more photos of PollyAnna Belle

Hollow Creek's Gertie

Hollow Creek's Miss Dixie
CH Hollow Creek's Woody Watts
Hollow Creek's Roxy X
Hollow Creek's Great Sentence
DOB 2009 - 2024

Click here to view more photos of Woody

Home Sweet Home
at Hollow Creek
Hollow Creek Kennel

Boykins Forever

Boykins Forever

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Boykins Forever
c/o Hollow Creek Kennel
1018 Asbill Court
Leesville, SC 29070
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