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About us

Patricia Long Watts
Patricia L. Watts
I am originally a Georgia peach from Augusta and I transplanted to South Carolina in 1977 as a Registered Nurse in the Trauma Center at Richland Memorial Hospital. With degrees from DeKalb College of Nursing (DeKalb, GA) and from the University of South Carolina, my career résumé is a true saga of the rise of women in the business world. In 1985, I was professionally honored by being named Outstanding Woman in Industry by the State of South Carolina. I have incorporated and managed two successful businesses - one being an up-scale Salon and Day Spa, the other being the first company to design Mobile Nuclear Waste Characterization Units for the US Nuclear Industry. I also designed a commercial Boarding Kennel in Gilbert, SC.

In 1997, I founded and incorporated the AKC Parent Club for the Boykin Spaniel breed…..The Boykin Spaniel Club & Breeders Association of America….which greatly expanded the reach of the breed to participate in just about any venue possible and be supported in that venue. It has opened many competition venues for the breed and their owners. As a Registered Nurse, I was more into the health issues that plagued the breed and there were many. There were (and still are), an ever increasing number of puppy mills which can proliferate without any health testing prior to breeding. Back in 1997, I pretty much stood alone in this pursuit....those in power, at that time, certainly made survival as difficult as possible to anyone who made any waves. I made waves… and survival was made difficult…But today, with new leadership aboard I feel respected for that stand and have watched the health of this wonderful breed steadily improved because of it.

My hobbies include travel, upland hunting, lake life and just being a part of my grandchildren’s lives. We welcomed our first great grandson in March 2022….so our family keeps growing and following their dreams! Even with time flying and their growing into wonderful young adults... they have contributed much love and time to my Boykins. Our lives have been so greatly enriched and molded by the love these furry children have given to each of us over this lifetime.

Our lake cottage and property were purchased because of my love for this breed. Hollow Creek Kennel sits on 2.4 acres on beautiful Lake Murray and currently houses our wonderful Boykin Spaniels and a few retired couch potatoes. We hunt, swim and play regularly. It's a Family Tradition. :-)

As retirement is being considered in the near furniture ….. for now, we are all content with slowing down on the hunting trips……and having time to enjoy our slice of Boykin heaven more ….taking more time to walk our babies a little slower……. and smell the lake fragrances a little longer…..

Pat & Richard

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Boykins Forever
c/o Hollow Creek Kennel
1018 Asbill Court
Leesville, SC 29070
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